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who we are

The Lord has shown us that the Church in the New Testament cannot be a denomination, a certain Fellowship of doctrine, or a Christian Fellowship of different viewpoints and features.

Wherever the Church exists, she is the Body of Christ, locally expressed, and this Body consists of all those who are born of God and consequently are in Christ.
According to the New Testament, and more so according to the will of God, in a given locality there can be only this one Church, namely the Church which is His Body, the fullness of Him who fills all and in all (Eph. 1,23).

It is this one and indivisible Church that we are trying to represent, and for this reason we are gathering on the one and only ground of the unity of this Body, which is Christ in all the saints of our city.
We do not belong to any denomination, but we are open for any possible fellowship with all the regenerated children of God in Adliswil, for they, all of them, together with us belong to the one Church of Christ in this city. Representing them all we gather, break bread together, practice the fellowship of the Spirit and try our best to have fellowship with all the other saints in the city.

  © by chrigemad 2024